Professional and amateur snooker players use a variety of cue actions. There are players who don’t feather the ball and others who cue up twice or three times. A smooth straight delivery through the cue ball while in the impact zone is something that all good players have.
I suggest a cue action with both a front pause and a natural back pause. I think this is the best way for a snooker player to learn how to deliver the cue to the cue ball smoothly. This also can improve your aiming by adding a front pause to your action and you’re timing by adding a back pause.
When you approach your shot, you start the ” Cue Action ” by coming in on the line of aim and bringing your tip to the cue ball where you want to strike it. Putting the tip of your cue to the cue ball now your cue will be straight. As soon as you get down, put your chest on the line.
The fastest part of your cue action should be at the point of impact, which is why you should start your shot with your cue arm vertical. It doesn’t matter what kind of pause or how many feathers you use during the cue action as long as you are prepared to perform in the impact zone.